홍콩대 "인권과 먀약 정책" 워크샵 등록: 7/20 마감
by NPO지원센터 / 2018-07-05 08:23
이번 가을에 홍콩대에서 주최하는 인권과 마약 정책 워크샵 공고가 나왔습니다선정이 되실 경우 주최측에서 모든 경비를 부담합니다모든 강의가 영어로 진행되므로 영어로 수업을 듣고 토론에 참여할 수 있어야 합니다신청 마감은 7 20워크샵은 10 15-19 진행됩니다자세한 내용은 아래 참고하세요감사합니다.


오픈소사이어티재단 (Open Society Foundations)


Human Rights and Drug Policy in East & Southeast Asia


The Human Rights and Drug Policy Workshop will be held at the Centre for Criminology at the University of Hong Kong from October 15 to 19, 2018.


Apply by July 20, 2018


*Fully Funded Scholarships Available*


The workshop will focus on the connections between human rights, public health, and drug policy as well as the gap between these principles and practice in the implementation of drug policies in Asia. The workshop will familiarize participants with the international drug control system, regional trends in drug markets (supply, transit and demand), and comparative case studies of alternative approaches to managing drug use in society as a health and social concern. The course will also look are recent trends in the Americas and Europe with a critical eye, exploring new and emerging challenges. It is hoped that the workshop can provide insights on how participants may adopt measures to bring enforcement activities and domestic law in line with human rights obligations and explore pragmatic approaches that mitigate the adverse health and social consequences of both drug use and overly punitive drug policies


Course Content:

·        Current Drug Trends, International Drug Control System & Impacts in Asia-Pacific

·        Human Rights and Drug Control

·        Lessons Learned and Best Practices of Drug Policy in Asia, Europe and Latin America

·        Public Health & Harm Reduction

·        Women, Sexuality & Drugs

·        Site visits in Hong Kong to harm reduction & treatment centers


Who should apply?

·        Government staff working on drug policy and health

·        Individuals from civil society working in public health, human rights, development, journalism, law, public policy, etc. with an interest in drug policy

·        Researchers and junior faculty


While priority is given to those working on drug policy, no prior knowledge of human rights or drug policy is required to apply.


Eligible Regions:

Individuals from countries in East Asia and Southeast Asia are encouraged to apply.


All finalists are eligible to receive full scholarship support including travel, accommodation (shared double rooms) & meals.


Application Guidelines:

Complete the application form and send to Ms. Leona Li/Mavis Yip at crimctr@hku.hk along with a curriculum vitae. On the last page of the application, you should provide a personal statement that answers why the workshop is relevant to your current activities and what you expect to get out of the workshop. The program representative will provide confirmation of receiving your application within 3 working days and application results approximately within a month by email.


작성자 : NPO지원센터, 작성일 : 2018-07-05 08:23, 조회수 : 5071

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