Seoul NPO Center Sustainability Report 2018
Seoul NPO Center Sustainability Report 2018 by NPO지원센터 / 2019.10.14
About this Report
This is the sustainability report of the Seoul NPO Center. We publish this report with the various opinions of our stakeholders in mind. In order to fulfill our social role, this report provides information, identifies tasks, and plans to improve activities and operations.
Report Principles
This report was prepared in accordance with the NPO Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (NSRG) 2016.
This report was prepared in accordance with the NPO Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (NSRG) 2016.
NSRG had been developed by the Seoul NPO Center in collaboration with outside experts to support NPOs publishing sustainability reports, based on the internationally recognized Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Guideline. In the reporting of 2018, we, also, refer to the reporting principles of GRI Standard 2016 (GRI-Referenced).
Scope of the Report
This report covers all activities and operations of the Seoul NPO Center, for the full calendar year of 2018. We have issued a sustainability report annually since 2014. The reports are always available on our website. The English version of the report is available from the 2018 version.
This report covers all activities and operations of the Seoul NPO Center, for the full calendar year of 2018. We have issued a sustainability report annually since 2014. The reports are always available on our website. The English version of the report is available from the 2018 version.
* Some of the contents include the first half of 2019.
Reporting Target
The target of this report are our stakeholders, NPOs, public/private researchers and citizens.
Report Verification
A third party has verified this report.<Contents>
1. A Message from the Chairperson of SIMIN
2. A Message from the CEO of the Seoul NPO Center
I. Overview
1. Vision & Mission
2. Management
3. Governance
4. History
II. Organizing Changes
1. Stakeholders
2. Stakeholder Opinion Survey
3. Conversations with Stakeholders
III. Creating Changes
1. Work Performance in 2018 at a Glance
2. Key Issues from the Importance Analysis
3. Performance Report by Issue
IV. Keeping up with Changes
1. Financial Administration
2. Organizational Operation
3. Human Rights, Labor, and Communication
4. Proliferation of Sustainability and Protection of Information & Environment
V. Appendix
1. Stakeholder Review Report
2. Audit Report
3. Statement of Financial Position / Statement of Activities
4. NPO Sustainability Reporting Guidelines Reporting Indicators
5. GRI Content Index
6. List of Publications in 2018
* Report PDF Address
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