비영리를 위한 최고의 블로그 150개 리스트
실무도구 / by 아지 / 작성일 : 2016.09.27 / 수정일 : 2016.09.27

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Top Nonprofits Blogs

RankBlog NameAlexaMoz PRMoz RDTwitter Followers
 1.00Huffpost Impact15788220@HuffPostImpact - 115K
 2.00Chronicle of Philanthropy61,149852,047@philanthropy - 187K
 3.00Nonprofit Quarterly81,461732,267@npquarterly - 99.4K
 4.00The Nonprofit Times185,78881382@nonprofittimes - 101K
 5.00Beth's Blog279,81176799@KANTER - 404K
 6.00Breaking News From Third Sector127,81971289@ThirdSector - 71.3K
 7.00Shareable124,98779874@shareable - 26.7K
 8.00JustGiving10,0866351@JustGiving - 112K
 9.00PND - Philanthropy News Digest99,02472105@pndblog - 43.1K
 10.00Nonprofit Tech for Good196,87963137@nonprofitorgs - 829K
 11.00John Haydon212,26965212@johnhaydon - 48.6K
 12.00GuideStar Blog16,7356338@guidestarusa - 65.7K
 13.00Culture of Health (RWJF)91,2288035@rwjf - 83.2K
 14.00NTEN Connect Blog192,4157582@ntenorg - 27.3K
 15.00About.com Nonprofit Charitable Orgs26873169@joannefritz - 8347
 16.00Charity Navigator Blog24,6885940@CharityNav - 56.1K
 17.00Kivi's Nonprofit Communications Blog206,74466214@kivilm - 16.6K
 18.00Techsoup Blogs22,5496431@TechSoup - 42K
 19.00SocialBrite219,16763211@socialbrite - 15.3K
 20.00Urban Wire (Urban Institute)75,3447613@urbaninstitute - 79.8K
 21.00EJewish Philanthropy283,18867137@eJPhil - 14.6K
 22.00Classy44,0616636@classy - 12.6K
 23.00Knight Foundation159,8676713@knightfdn - 115K
 24.00What We're Learning (MacArthur Foundation)168,0805719@macfound - 100K
 25.00Getting Attention562,57164252@nancyschwartz - 12.4K
 26.00Nonprofit Hub122,1556389@NPhub - 8169
 27.00Work In Progress (Hewlett Foundation)323,1056823@Hewlett_Found - 40.3K
 28.00The GiveWell Blog166,5396151@GiveWell - 12.1K
 29.00npengage (Blackbaud)327,0385837@Blackbaud - 27.1K
 30.00The Fundraising Coach495,26759184@marcapitman - 12.3K
 31.00SocialEarth1,049,11456155@socialearth - 28.9K
 32.00Fired-Up Fundraising297,1046235@GailPerrync - 15.7K
 33.00Philantopic939,1276239@pndblog - 43.1K
 34.00Broad Institute43,129629@broadinstitute - 21.1K
 35.00Nonprofit with Balls177,87155110@nonprofitwballs - 7089
 36.00OSOCIO Weblog889,82265302@osocio - 8112
 37.00Pamela Grow (Fundraising)680,33153113@pamelagrow - 17.1K
 38.001% for the Planet579,0446518@1PercentFTP - 25.1K
 39.00Engaging Volunteers22,2405310@VolunteerMatch - 40.2K
 40.00NCVO296,4475515@NCVO - 61.3K
 41.00The Fundraising Authority192,0975677@fundraisingauth - 6559
 42.00Nonprofit Marketing Blog (Network for Good)8,726,60775327@Network4Good - 63.8K
 43.00Case Foundation389,6065710@casefoundation - 534K
 44.00Research and Results169,680577@macfound - 100K
 45.00Idealware118,3456037@idealware - 5786
 46.00TopNonprofits117,8234743@top_nonprofits - 95
 47.00Refugees International1,028,5755714@RefugeesIntl - 131K
 48.00Keeping a Close Eye (National Committee for Repsonsive Philanthropy)1,254,9365550@NCRP - 16.7K
 49.00Pioneers Post1,829,98856101@pioneerspost - 15.4K
 50.00101Fundraising787,6495136@101fundraising - 18.8K
 51.00Future Fundraising Now864,04555115@jeffbrooks - 6954
 52.00Center for Effective Philanthropy1,031,3065837@CEPData - 13.8K
 53.00Bloomberg Philanthropies401,449634@bloombergdotorg - 82.1K
 54.00Associations Now245,5146415@associationsnow - 7642
 55.00Philanthropy 2173; The Business of Giving8,864,33266201@p2173 - 16K
 56.00Fundraiser Grrl969,8725361@RoryJMGreen - 9197
 57.00Ad Libbing (Ad Council)1,239,4545332@adcouncil - 18.8K
 58.00Community Organizer 2.02,084,37254121@askdebra - 10.7K
 59.00Institute of Fundraising507,545559@ioftweets - 20.5K
 60.00Equals Change (Ford Foundation)162,537542@FordFoundation - 110K
 61.00Servicespace316,8905110@servicespace - 24.9K
 62.00Netsquared, an Initiative of TechsoupGlobal.org Blogs753,8015421@netsquared - 13.9K
 63.00WildApricot Blog60,9786727@WildApricot - 1829
 64.00First Giving Blog53,6524512@FirstGiving - 12.3K
 65.00Nonprofit Law Blog387,7285273@gtak - 4375
 66.00Stanford Social Innovation Review Blog28,942,6487159@SSIReview - 106K
 67.00Social Fish660,79760162@socialfish - 2473
 68.00Markets for Good1,710,0485985@MarketsForGood - 5816
 69.00Fundly83,587518@Fundly - 11.2K
 70.00The Razoo Blog56,266457@razoo - 15.9K
 71.00Bad Rap Blog2,134,3825454@BADRAPorg - 9989
 72.00Social Velocity865,9215430@nedgington - 6732
 73.00Exceptional Boards (Board Source)189,2803716@BoardSource - 19.3K
 74.00Big Duck785,3875317@bigduck - 8914
 75.00Not Impossible Now830,2195151@NotImpossible - 4748
 76.00Lodestar Center Blog3,6565021@ASULodestar - 2616
 77.00Dowser3,379,58157104@dowserDOTorg - 5432
 78.00The Causemopolitan3,360,3684794@sloane - 14.2K
 79.00Care2's Digital Engagement Blog707,8384110@care2 - 56.1K
 80.00Canadian Education Association (CAE)297,5985116@cea_ace - 5034
 80.00Clairification995,7914765@charityclairity - 4281
 81.00CauseCast557,809466@Causecast - 18.9K
 82.00BLOOM4,618,3455557@HBKidsHospital - 6767
 83.00The Agitator1,189,72955162@AgitatorEditors - 1830
 84.00Public Sector Marketing 2.01,148,4434351@mikekujawski - 5269
 85.00Forward Together (Abila)274,810499@abila_inc - 5971
 86.00Event 3601,424,65851100@Event360 - 3143
 87.00Fundraising Pulse (Donor Pro)640,7026318@donorpro - 1049
 88.00#fundchat2,059,8164430@fundchat - 6798
 89.00My Social Good News2,721,8434110@devindthorpe - 40.8K
 90.00Vistas: Geri Stengel's Blog3,392,8524113@Ventureneer - 33K
 91.00greatergiving74,519417@greatergiving - 4293
 92.00Joan Garry - Because Nonprofits Are Messy249,9834423@joangarry - 2079
 93.00MRSS Labs629,208509@MRCampaigns - 4166
 94.00Fundraising for Nonprofits70,366546@FreeMgmtLibrary - 1454
 95.00Good News Shared3,223,6774230@GoodNews_Shared - 7827
 96.00Connectivity296,3405215@CQConnectivity - 1593
 97.00For Impact1,704,2544948@forimpact - 2546
 98.00DonorPefect Blog240,139577@donorperfect - 1723
 99.00ReCharity1,480,7604638@bradyjosephson - 3000
 100.00Get Fully Funded1,954,4024315@SandyRees - 7462
 101.00Smart Giving Matters792,572495@smartgivers - 5726
 102.00Gift Hub2,501,8205187@PhilCubeta - 1290
 103.00Queer Ideas; a Bloody Good Fundraising Blog2,461,5484218@Markyphillips - 5882
 104.00Gesture135,559393@gestureteam - 5468
 105.00Together We Flourish5,260,9613742@togetherwf - 8621
 106.00Veritus Group826,6274330@VeritusGroup - 1591
 107.00Nonprofit Information1,770,2153615@Non_Profit_Info - 8084
 108.00Nonprofit Pro260,599362@non_profit_pro - 12.3K
 109.00Donor Driven39,540311@donordrive - 14.6K
 110.00Volunteering News & Trends89,383413@volunteerhub - 3284
 111.00Cool Data Blog1,707,6625133@kevinmacdonell - 974
 112.00National Council of Nonprofits115,926281@NatlCouncilNPs - 25.9K
 113.00Hilborn1,620,0834733@hilborninfo - 1395
 114.00Service Nation3,218,936433@ServiceNation - 16.1K
 115.00Crowd101598,2583716@crowd101 - 2584
 116.00Look To The Stars News161,705322@looktothestars - 10.6K
 117.00Double the Donation128,159361@2xDonations - 7163
 118.00The School For Social Entrepeneurs1,018,034332@SchSocEnt - 27.7K
 119.00Selfish Giving1,239,188384@joewaters - 8641
 120.00Mission Connected Blog222,945364@ExecSearches - 3645
 121.00Living and Giving3,901,4614729@pamelahawley - 1908
 122.00SocialSolutions380,865405@socialsolutions - 2617
 123.00Grant Training Center1,363,478372@GrantTrainingDC - 14.7K
 124.00Future World Giving9,998,0203413@cafonline - 20.1K
 125.00The Direct Mail Man4,032,1994130@TheDmailman - 2209
 126.00Pursuant798,772435@Pursuant - 2181
 127.00Nonprofit Bridge5,532,2783838@nonprofitbridge - 2830
 128.00Nonprofit MarCommunity1,548,1324227@NPMarCommunity - 666
 129.00Winspire305,049425@WinspireMe - 990
 130.00Fire Starters (Ignited Fundraising)1,025,067343@LJacobwith - 6186
 131.00Fundraising Detective7,092,2184211@frdetective - 4300
 132.00Philanthropost (Universal Giving)5,517,678418@universalgiving - 4701
 133.00Jolkona Blog1,940,658384@jolkona - 4359
 134.00CCS philanthropy 3605,078,604428@ccsfundraising - 3861
 135.00Nonprofit Technology News6,804,1634119@NPTechNews - 2573
 136.00Sam Davidson3,335,560299@samdavidson - 8436
 137.00Nonprofit Blog Exchange10,620,8594824@np_blogexchange - 1306
 138.00CatchaFire6,808,260325@catchafire - 16.1K
 139.00Roy Jones13,895,528334@getroyjones - 27.2K
 140.00Ann Green's Nonprofit Blog1,420,4683611@agreennonprofit - 1712
 141.00Vivanista04332@vivanista - 2660
 142.00#501 Social Blog1,286,005292@JuliaCSocial - 9742
 143.00Donor Relations Guru2,552,965335@DonorGuru - 4927
 144.00Red Apple Auctions1,693,733315@auctionexpert - 4631
 145.00Rallybound851,250406@rallybound - 401
 146.00Grant Writing (Seliger + Associates)3,610,984302@SeligerGrants - 14.2K
 147.00New Voices of Philanthropy (Trista Harris)13,489,882442@TristaHarris - 7017
 148.00Tripoint Fundraising04610@AmyEisenstein - 3527
 149.00Media Cause891,272332@mediacause - 3302
 150.00Nonprofit Insider (Mobile Cause)97,768201@mobilecause - 3361
출처: https://topnonprofits.com/lists/nonprofit-blogs/

작성자 : 아지 / 작성일 : 2016.09.27 / 수정일 : 2016.09.27 / 조회수 : 35844

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