비영리가 읽어야 할 모금,소셜미디어 관련 리포트 28가지(미국,영문)
실무도구 / by 아지 / 작성일 : 2016.08.19 / 수정일 : 2023.03.02

비영리를 위한 소셜&모바일 미디어 블로그인 Nonprofit Tech for good은 최근 비영리가 읽어야 할 모금,소셜미디어 관련 리포트 28가지를 추려서 소개했습니다. 비록 대부분 미국에서 생산된 레포트들이고, 영문이지만, 비영리를 둘러싼 소셜 미디어와 모금 동향을 파악하는 데 좋은 자료들입니다.


For Nonprofits Worldwide:

1. 2016 Global NGO Online Technology Report :: Download

Published by the Public Interest Registry and Nonprofit Tech for Good

2. 2015 World Giving Index :: Download

Published by the Charities Aid Foundation

For Nonprofits in the United States:

1. Giving USA 2016 :: Download

Published by the Giving USA Foundation

2. 2016 Nonprofit Benchmarks Study :: Download

Published by M+R and NTEN

3. 2016 Donor Engagement Study :: Download

Published by Abila

4. 2016 Digital Outlook Report :: Download

Published by Care2

5. 2016 Nonprofit Communications Trends Report :: Download

Published by Nonprofit Marketing Guide

6. 2016 Millennial Impact Report :: Download

Published by the Millennial Impact Project

7. 2015 Charitable Giving Report :: Download

Published by Blackbaud

8. Money for Good 2015 :: Download

Published by the Giving USA Foundation

9. 2015 Text Donation Study :: Download

Published by mGive

10. 2015 Diversity in Giving Report :: Download

Published by Blackbaud

11. Identifying the Crowdfunding Donor: 2014 Donor Demographics :: Download

Published by Kimbia

12. 2014 Cone Communications Digital Activism Study :: Download

Published by Cone Communications

13. 2014 Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Study :: Download

Published by Blackbaud

14. 2014 Next Generation of American Giving :: Download

Published by Blackbaud

15. 2014 Nonprofit Storytelling Report :: Download

Published by Georgetown University

16. 2014 Key Facts on U.S. Foundations Report :: Download

Published by the Foundation Center

17. Social Media: An Ongoing Series of Reports :: Download

Published by the Pew Internet & American Life Project

For Nonprofits in Canada:

1. 2014 State of the Canadian Web Nation :: Download

Published by Good Works

2. 2014 Giving Trends of Grantmaking Foundations Report :: Download

Published by Philanthropic Foundations Canada and Imagine Canada

3. 2013 Online Giving Report :: Download

Published by Blackbaud

For Nonprofits in Asia Pacific:

1. Charitable Giving in Asia Pacific :: Download

Published by MasterCar

2. 2014 Australian Online Fundraising Scorecard :: Download

Published by Dunham+Company

3. 2012 State of Social Media Use in Australian Nonprofits :: Download

Published by Wirth Consulting

For Nonprofits in Europe:

1. 2014 State of the Not-for-Profit Industry Report :: Download

Published by Blackbaud

2. 2013 Social Charity Index :: Download

Published by Visceral Business

For Nonprofits in the Middle East:

1. The Arab Giving Survey :: Download

Published by Philanthropy Age

작성자 : 아지 / 작성일 : 2016.08.19 / 수정일 : 2023.03.02 / 조회수 : 22590

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